TX-1012 Board Members

Cortney Martin

Troop Coordinator, PiPa Unit Leader


Cherilyn Keeney

Charter Representative, Explorer Unit Leader

Cherilyn Keeney is a former Elementary school teacher and curriculum specialist who currently homeschools her three daughters. She and her husband Steven have been married for sixteen years. This will be their family's third year in AHG and eighth year as members of Parkgate Community Church, where they serve as leaders in various ministries. Cherilyn feels blessed to serve as our troop Charter Representative and Explorer Leader! She looks forward to seeing what God has in store for this ministry and our girls. 

Amber Hickman

Troop Shepherd


Silvia Edith Galindo

Troop Treasurer, Explorer Assistant Leader

Silvia is a homeschool mom of 6 years. She is a mom of three kids, two boys and a girl of 10 years old. This will be Silvia’s third year in AHG. She is a stay at home mom and she has been married for 23 years. 

Laura Mize

Vice Coordinator, PiPas Assistant Leader
